uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss
I've been really down due to certain things going on in my life. Im not really sure were I stand ands its pissing me off. Yeah anywho I drew up some little demonds to blow some steam off.
The Fallen.

Ummm whatever.

This little song really cheered me up. uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss by The Bloodhound Gang. I guess it just kinda reminded me to have fun with stuff and not get to choked about everything. There's just somethings that cant be help. Do what you can, hold on to what is important to you and yeah... Im just rambling now.... Enjoy, It sure cheered me up.
Anyways heres some lighter stuff. Most of its ballpoint pen, its alot like life you make a mark, you cant change that mark you can only work with it.... Plus its just really fun.
I like bummmm.
Pull my Finger
Anywho Happy Holidays all I hope I get to see some of you around.
cuz I got something and it goes thumping like this
all you need is my uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss
uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss baby