Scribble Insanity.
K my fav game of all time is now ..... The Scribble Game. First you get a friend to scribble some thing and then try to make a picture out of it, SO FUN. Anywho Mel and I have been playing this game for a couple weeks now, chill at Dennys for abit and draw. Thanks for showing me this game Mel :) freaking awsome and then some..... Im such a art dork blaaaa.
Anywho heres some of Mels stuff.
Anywho heres some of Mels stuff.
An some of my stuff.
That is all for now. We have alot more of these and they will be posted later.
At 12:47 AM,
Dez Dez said…
Hurray!! THis seems so fun!! Prepare for scribbles from Dez tomorrow :D AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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