Charlie Brown of all the Mother F#%ckerz your the....
This post is for you Phil.

And some mo Dennys Kidz stuff..... really need to get on a paint em up in photoshop.

One more Kingson design. This project is going super slow, on the bright side though when I cant think of something to draw I go to The Kings Son its all a learning process so why rush it as long as its working.

And some Over The Hedge .... Love that movie.

Hey Dez sorry about not posting.... miss you to :)
Well my figure study classes are done and Im going to CNC to finish off the Fine Arts program and get my ol certificate and hopefull get my shit together for emily carr next fall.
Later all.

And some mo Dennys Kidz stuff..... really need to get on a paint em up in photoshop.

One more Kingson design. This project is going super slow, on the bright side though when I cant think of something to draw I go to The Kings Son its all a learning process so why rush it as long as its working.

And some Over The Hedge .... Love that movie.

Hey Dez sorry about not posting.... miss you to :)
Well my figure study classes are done and Im going to CNC to finish off the Fine Arts program and get my ol certificate and hopefull get my shit together for emily carr next fall.
Later all.
At 6:12 PM,
Dez Dez said…
Awesome hunny!! OH thank you for posting more art, I LOVE seeing your stuff... it... i don't know, fills me with the passion you pore into it, very refreshing. Wish I had more time to just admire them, or even better see htem in person.
I'm so proud of you getting your fine arts certificate at CNC, htast what Heidi's sister did, and then she's off to Emily Carr in September... live your dream Stan, and you will live a fullfilled life, I miss you and love you!
At 12:20 PM,
Dez Dez said…
Wow... if it weren't for me, noone would comment... hope things are well for you over there!
At 1:08 PM,
Ink Monkey said…
Hey Dez :) Thanks. Ya I cant wait to get into school this fall ... super pumped. Miss you to and I hope things are well for you to.
At 5:31 PM,
Dez Dez said…
So you can comment on your own blog but you're too lazy to post...
At 9:18 PM,
Ink Monkey said…
yeah thats about right lol :p
At 11:27 PM,
Cole said…
Hey I comment once in a while! I love looking at stans art... but to tell you the truth he doesn't post very often so I just don't want to get my hopes up and then be dashed againest the rocks:( no offence stan but i love the art work it's so amazing I make food art at work and people think I am special:s But yes they are so amazing stan never stop drawing!
At 10:28 PM,
Phil said…
Woot, I found your blog anyway stanley. I love the C dog. he is the motha' fuckest!
At 2:43 AM,
safromhell said…
i can post here too and cole you are special. and that can be taken any way you want. hey stan stop by some time and check out the new house. bye bye
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